Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Climate bill making its way through Senate as Universal Voter Registration kept hidden

Climate bill making its way through Senate as
Universal Voter Registration kept hidden

Pajamas Media » Second Obama Nominee for TSA Withdraws in Scandal

One more story the mainstream media will
never report.
Pajamas Media » Second Obama Nominee
for TSA Withdraws in Scandal

Morning Bell: Our Long National Obamacare Nightmare is Just Beginning | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Morning Bell: Our Long National Obamacare Nightmare
is Just Beginning | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Next cramdown on taxpayers? It's amnesty and it's ba-a-ck!

First Obama will buy new voters
from Mexico.
Next cramdown on taxpayers?
It's amnesty and it's ba-a-ck!

» Prelude To Card Check? President Racks Up Dems on Key Labor Board - Big Government

Here is the next big freedom we lose, no more choices
on if our jobs is union or not.
» Prelude To Card Check? President Racks
Up Dems on Key Labor Board - Big Government

FOXNews.com - Pro-Life Democrats Who Switched Vote for Health Bill Request Billions in Earmarks

Some people will sell there principles for money
FOXNews.com - Pro-Life Democrats Who Switched
Vote for Health Bill Request Billions in Earmarks

Dems fear honest Obamacare accounting | Washington Examiner

Dems fear honest Obamacare accounting
| Washington Examiner

Why the Federal Government Should Get Out of Education

Why the Federal Government
Should Get Out of Education

'Obamacare' cops: $1 billion to force new tax compliance

'Obamacare' cops: $1 billion to
force new tax compliance

CNSNews.com - Rep. Burgess: Government Can Force Us to Buy General Motors Products If Obamacare Mandate Upheld in Court

Rep. Burgess: Government Can Force Us to Buy General
Motors Products If Obamacare Mandate Upheld in Court

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Another ObamaCare mandate we had to discover after its passage

Another ObamaCare mandate we had
to discover after its passage

Obama shows the love to union bosses | Washington Examiner

Obama shows the love to union bosses
The media complained for weeks when Bush was
going to do this, Obama does it for 15 apppointments
and it's not even on the news.

Obama demands more Israeli concessions, Zionist organization is insulted

Obama demands more Israeli
concessions, Zionist organization is insulted

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The American Spectator : Specter Opens Door on White House Felonies

The American Spectator : Specter
Opens Door on White House Felonies

Gateway Pundit

Obama’s Health Care Rally Prop Is In Hospital…
Getting Care… Despite No Insurance
Gateway Pundit

Talking Points vs. Realities - Thomas Sowell - National Review Online

Talking Points vs. Realities -
Thomas Sowell -
National Review Online

CNSNews.com - Nearly One-Third of Doctors Could Leave Medicine if Health-Care Reform Bill Passes, According to Survey Reported in New England Journal of Medicine

CNSNews.com - Nearly One-Third of Doctors Could
Leave Medicine if Health-Care Reform Bill Passes,
According to Survey Reported in New England
Journal of Medicine

Hoover Institution - Daily Report Archives - The House Health-Care Vote and the Constitution

Hoover Institution - Daily Report Archives
- The House Health-Care Vote and the Constitution

Manipulation, Payoffs and Lies-->Dem Endgame On Health Care

Manipulation, Payoffs and Lies-
->Dem Endgame On Health Care

Obama Aides See ‘Extended Period’ of Unemployment (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

What happened to Obama focus on new
Obama Aides See ‘Extended Period’ of Unemployment

FOXNews.com - Could 'Fairness Doctrine' Be Used to Police the Internet?

FOXNews.com - Could 'Fairness Doctrine'
Be Used to Police the Internet?

Text of Gov. Chris Christie budget speech to Legislature | - NJ.com

Text of Gov. Chris Christie budget
speech to Legislature | - NJ.com

American Thinker Blog: Obama: You will see 'premiums fall by as much as 3,000 percent' under Obamacare

American Thinker Blog: Obama: You will see
'premiums fall by as much as 3,000 percent'
under Obamacare

What Took Toyota So Long? | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

What Took Toyota So Long?

The Slaughter Rule: Yet Another Reason Obamacare Would Be Unconstitutional | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

The Slaughter Rule: Yet Another Reason
Obamacare Would Be Unconstitutional |
The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Hillary Clinton contracts purchases of $5.4M in crystal stemware for American Embassies to Swedish firm Orrefors/Kosta Boda USA - NYPOST.com

Hillary Clinton contracts purchases of $5.4M
in crystal stemware for American Embassies to
Swedish firm Orrefors/Kosta Boda USA -

House may try to pass Senate health-care bill without voting on it

House may try to pass Senate
health-care bill without voting on it

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Obama facing uprising over new NASA strategy - Yahoo! Asia News

Obama wrecking the space program and all the
thousands of direct and indirect jobs and technological
advancements that we get from the space program. NASA
will be working more on climate issues.
Obama facing uprising over new
NASA strategy - Yahoo! Asia News

No wonder the Dems hate Fox news, they are killing the liberal media.

Look at the difference that content can make.

TUES, MARCH 9, 2010

FOXNEWS BECK 3,406,000
FOXNEWS SHEP 2,243,000
CNN KING 699,000
CNN COOPER 582,000

Chefs Call Proposed New York Salt Ban 'Absurd'

How could anyone look at this bill and not think
that the dems want to take away all freedom and
control everything in our lives.
Chefs Call Proposed New York Salt Ban 'Absurd'

What she is saying is don't read the bill just vote for it and we'll show you what's in it.

Sending a Message with the Census - Mark Krikorian - The Corner on National Review Online

Sending a Message with the Census
- Mark Krikorian -

FOXNews.com - Sen. Inhofe Says No Evidence of Virus on Drudge, Suggests Warning Was Political

FOXNews.com - Sen. Inhofe Says No Evidence
of Virus on Drudge, Suggests Warning Was Political

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Michelle Malkin » Culture of Corruption Watch: Breaking – Rangel reportedly giving up House chairmanship; Update: Bitterly clinging to his gavel

Michelle Malkin » Culture of Corruption Watch:
Breaking – Rangel reportedly giving up House
chairmanship; Update: Bitterly clinging to his gavel

Walter E. Williams : Who Poses the Greater Threat? - Townhall.com

Walter E. Williams :
Who Poses the Greater Threat?

Obama Signs One-Year Extension of Patriot Act – on a Saturday Night Of Course | NewsBusters.org

This is one of the things that the dems complained
about more than anything about Bush, now Obama
extends it, even though they said it was wrong.
Obama Signs One-Year Extension of Patriot Act
“ on a Saturday Night Of Course

White House to push ACORN pet project

White House to push ACORN pet project

Gateway Pundit

Eric Cantor: Pelosi Is Breaking Promise to Have
Most Ethical Congress EVERY DAY
Gateway Pundit

Senator causes impasse on spending bill, forcing federal worker furloughs - KansasCity.com

This is amazing how the dems lie, they are
blaming this on Bunning, just because he brought
up the fact that the dems just passed a bill 3 weeks
ago and Obama signed it into law, stating that they
by law had to do what Bunning brought up. Three weeks
and they were going to ignore the law that they just made,
and it's his fault that he reminded them it was against the
law to do what they were going to do.
Senator causes impasse on spending bill,
forcing federal worker furloughs