Tuesday, February 19, 2013

News from The Associated Press

News from The Associated Press: "WASHINGTON (AP) -- With scant snowfall and barren ski slopes in parts of the Midwest and Northeast the past couple of years, some scientists have pointed to global warming as the culprit."

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Sequestration: The Sequester Spending Cuts Are Happening

Sequestration: The Sequester Spending Cuts Are Happening: "Federal budget cuts called “sequestration” are scheduled to hit in just 10 days. The sequestration cuts are not perfect—they’re a blunt instrument to cut spending, rather than a deliberative plan that sets priorities, trims entitlements, and cuts other spending. But they are law."

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The Impending Decline of Coal

The Impending Decline of Coal: "Natural gas is poised to replace coal as the most cost-effective fuel for electricity generation. Despite an abundance of coal, advances in hydrofracturing technology have precipitated a rise in natural gas production, which may lead to the decline of coal, say Carl Johnston, a senior fellow, Lewis Warne, a research associate, and H. Sterling Burnett, a senior fellow, at the National Center for Policy Analysis."

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