Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Rule of Law » Eric Holder Announces Opposition to Election Integrity Laws

Rule of Law » Eric Holder Announces Opposition to Election Integrity Laws: "On Tuesday night, I spoke in Austin, Texas, at a rally organized by True the Vote.  It took place on the grounds of the LBJ Library on the campus of the University of Texas.  The rally was in response to Eric Holder’s announcement at the same place two hours later of a concerted Justice Department effort to oppose virtually every electoral integrity measure promoted by Constitutional conservatives and Republicans."

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Taxpayers Get the Bill for Occupations: $22.2M (Updated 12/14) | Verum Serum

Taxpayers Get the Bill for Occupations: $22.2M (Updated 12/14) | Verum Serum: "This is a list of costs mentioned in the press. I’ve updated the totals as new figures have come in:"

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