Friday, March 25, 2011

Editorial: Union Thuggery Run Amok -

Editorial: Union Thuggery Run Amok - "Big Labor: Having lost its war on economics, the SEIU has declared war on the economy. Literally. One of its top minds was caught vowing to crash the stock market to redistribute wealth. Is this a union or a subversive group?"

» The UAW’s Mid-East Model? UAW’s King Recruits Global Activists to Assault Foreign Automakers - Big Government

» The UAW’s Mid-East Model? UAW’s King Recruits Global Activists to Assault Foreign Automakers - Big Government: "Desperate times call for desperate measures, and the United Auto Workers’ Bob King thinks he’s just the union boss to make a go of it. With negotiations about to start with the Big Three American auto companies (two of which are UAW-owned), King is ramping up his rhetoric against the CEO of the only automaker that taxpayers did not bailout (Ford’s Mulally), while plotting his strategy for negotiations."