Monday, January 2, 2012

KUHNER: Will Obama steal the 2012 election? - Washington Times

KUHNER: Will Obama steal the 2012 election? - Washington Times: "Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. claims Jim Crow is returning. In a recent speech, Mr. Holder said that attempts by states to pass voter identification laws will disenfranchise minorities, rolling back the clock to the evil days of segregation."

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Holder's Race-Baiting Ruse Is About Obama’s Reelection, Not Voting Rights |

Holder's Race-Baiting Ruse Is About Obama’s Reelection, Not Voting Rights | "Eric Holder’s Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched an all-out war on voter-ID laws and other measures to safeguard the electoral process. Although Holder’s actions are purportedly to prevent African-Americans from being disenfranchised, the reality is that they serve the crass political purpose of ensuring that Holder’s boss gets reelected next year."

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Santorum’s pastor says Protestants not “proper” Christians, blasts creationists | American Vision News

Santorum’s pastor says Protestants not “proper” Christians, blasts creationists | American Vision News: "With statements nearly as out of the mainstream of American Evangelicalism as Obama’s former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, who infamously shouted “God d*mn America,” Rick Santorum’s head-pastor should have nearly as much explaining to do."

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