Sunday, November 6, 2011

Poll: Doctors Say Obamacare Hurts Medical Care

Poll: Doctors Say Obamacare Hurts Medical Care: "WASHINGTON, D.C - Physicians are increasingly pessimistic about the future of medicine since passage of Obamacare, and are now reluctant to advise their own children to go into medicine."

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Michelle Malkin » White House Calls Solyndra Subpoena ‘Unreasonable Burden on the President’s Ability to Meet His Constitutional Duties’

Michelle Malkin » White House Calls Solyndra Subpoena ‘Unreasonable Burden on the President’s Ability to Meet His Constitutional Duties’: "When a Republican-led House panel subpoenaed the White House to turn over any and all Solyndra-related documents, I figured they’d drag their heels until about, oh, mid-November of 2012. Sure enough, the White House is protesting the subpoena, but the reason given is funny coming from an administration that has been busy skirting Congress by way of executive order."

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Conservative vs. Liberal Ideology on Display in DC - Occupy Wall Street - Fox Nation

Conservative vs. Liberal Ideology on Display in DC - Occupy Wall Street - Fox Nation: "I visited Washington DC this week for Americans for Prosperity Foundation's Defending the American Dream Summit. This week's events were an amazing contrast in conservative versus liberal activist strategies:"

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