Saturday, February 8, 2014

PETA requests 10-foot-high roadside memorial for chickens killed in accident | Conservative Byte

PETA requests 10-foot-high roadside memorial for chickens killed in accident | Conservative Byte: "Oh, the humanity poultry! Last month, a tractor trailer carrying an indeterminate number of live chickens overturned on a highway outside Athens, Ga. According to reports at the time, there were no injuries — meaning human injuries. All the chickens perished."

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Pelosi Thinks Sluggish Jobs Report Sign of Progress | Conservative Byte

Pelosi Thinks Sluggish Jobs Report Sign of Progress | Conservative Byte: "iberals and economics are two things that don’t mix at all.
Check it out:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) thinks January’s jobs report is a sign of progress, though economic analysts believe it represents, at best, an economy stuck in place."

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Obama Spokesman Says 2.5 Million More Unemployed is a Good Thing » Eagle Rising

Obama Spokesman Says 2.5 Million More Unemployed is a Good Thing » Eagle Rising: "The latest Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analysis of Obamacare and our economy is out, and the news is all bad. At least, for most people the news is all bad – but the White House isn’t most people. The Obama administration lives by the old saying, “When life give you lemons – just pretend that instead it gave you money.” Okay. Maybe that’s not an old saying, but that is what the Obama administration does. They get bad news and simply pretend that it’s actually really, really good news."

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