Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Congressman: Obama's Tax Increases Fund Government for Eight Days

Congressman: Obama's Tax Increases Fund Government for Eight Days: "President Barack Obama has proposed raising taxes on the rich to put America's fiscal house in order, but critics say federal spending is so massive that the wealthy don't have enough money to cover the nation's unprecedented debt."

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Incomprehensible Idiocy: How’s That Regulation Working for You? :: Minute Men News

Incomprehensible Idiocy: How’s That Regulation Working for You? :: Minute Men News: "It was with great interest that I watched Facebook catch fire with support of the calls for picketing and sick-outs at Wal-Mart stores across the country on Black Friday. "

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Minute Men News » The 18.4-cent-a-gallon Federal Gasoline Tax. Yes, It’s On the Table.

Minute Men News » The 18.4-cent-a-gallon Federal Gasoline Tax. Yes, It’s On the Table.: "States and business advocates are maneuvering to use the current budget negotiations in Washington to win support for a long-sought increase in the federal gasoline tax—one of a grab bag of proposals various groups are seeking to tuck into a deal."

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Patriots & Christians Have Been Repeatedly Labeled As Potential Terrorists Since Obama Became President | Market Daily News

Patriots & Christians Have Been Repeatedly Labeled As Potential Terrorists Since Obama Became President | Market Daily News: "Since the beginning of 2009, there has been a significant shift in the focus of the “war on terror”.  Right after 9/11, the American people were told that the terrorists were Islamic radicals and that we needed to go fight them in the Middle East so that they would not come attack us here at home."

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