Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Nobody Can Name Anything Hillary Did as SecState - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Nobody Can Name Anything Hillary Did as SecState - The Rush Limbaugh Show: " When "Sir" Hillary was secretary of state and had a world forum, why is it she never made one of the most important issues of the time, in her little administration that she had as secretary of state, to go to Indonesia or India or China, where their policy of birth control and contraceptives is if you have an extra child, they'll kill 'em? Let alone the Middle East where they have Sharia law, and if you were to have an abortion, I imagine you'd be stoned. Why was that never at the forefront, but she wants to pick on one little business here in the United States to launch her campaign about women being oppressed above contraceptives?"

'via Blog this'

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