Thursday, April 1, 2010

What the Senate isn't reading

What the Senate isn't reading

Newsmax - Tea Party Unveils 'Contract From America' Planks

Newsmax - Tea Party Unveils 'Contract
From America' Planks

Heritage President Ed Feulner Responds to President Obama’s Claims | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Heritage President Ed Feulner Responds to President
Obama’s Claims | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

American Thinker Blog: Obama's 'Now you see it - Now you don't' drilling policy

American Thinker Blog: Obama's 'Now you see it
- Now you don't' drilling policy

The President's Oil Drilling Bait-N-Switch -

The President's Oil Drilling Bait-N-Switch

Don’t Be Fooled by Obama’s Offshore Drilling Announcement | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Don’t Be Fooled by Obama’s Offshore
Drilling Announcement | The Foundry:
Conservative Policy News.

CBS Page2

christian bumper stickers
CBS Page2

Obama Signing Reconciliation Health Care Bill With No Fixes for Abortion Funding

Obama Signing Reconciliation Health Care
Bill With No Fixes for Abortion Funding

Newsmax - Obama Slams Tea Party 'Core' as Fringe Radicals, Birthers

Newsmax - Obama Slams Tea Party 'Core'
as Fringe Radicals, Birthers

Cap And Trade Tax -

Cap And <strike>Trade&lt
;/strike> Tax -

Alexander: Obama's 'Soviet-Style' Takeover of Student Loans - Robert Costa - The Corner on National Review Online

Alexander: Obama's 'Soviet-Style' Takeover of
Student Loans - Robert Costa - The Corner on
National Review Online