Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Pocket : Duck Dynasty Star’s Passionate Anti-Abortion Speech Goes Viral: ‘What in the World Happened to Us?’

Pocket : Duck Dynasty Star’s Passionate Anti-Abortion Speech Goes Viral: ‘What in the World Happened to Us?’: "Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson is apparently fiercely anti-abortion. In fact, he believes the United State’s acceptance of the practice is proof that the country has strayed far from her founding principles."

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Kansas public school promotes 5 Pillars of Islam - Washington Times

Kansas public school promotes 5 Pillars of Islam - Washington Times: "Parents in Wichita, Kan., were shocked to learn a giant wall display inside their children’s elementary school was erected to promote the Five Pillars of Islam.

The display was reportedly part of a religion component being taught at Minneha Core Knowledge Magnet School, a school district spokesperson told Fox News’ Todd Starnes."

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WHY WORK? Study Says Welfare a Better Deal Than Minimum Wage - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

WHY WORK? Study Says Welfare a Better Deal Than Minimum Wage - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "Welfare pays more than a minimum-wage job in 35 states, creating little incentive for Americans to take entry-level work and likely increasing their long-term dependency on government help, according to a new study by the libertarian think tank Cato Institute.

The finds come 17 years after the Clinton administration, with bipartisan support from Congress, passed landmark welfa"

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Real Laws Being Broken with ObamaCare

Real Laws Being Broken with ObamaCare: "Forbes has released a previously-unpublished memorandum from the Congressional Research Service that states “the White House has missed half of the deadlines legally required by the ACA (Affordable Care Act). And some of those deadlines remain unmet to this day.”"

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