Tuesday, December 17, 2013

“Hanoi” Jane Fonda Is Screwing Americans Again » Eagle Rising

“Hanoi” Jane Fonda Is Screwing Americans Again » Eagle Rising: "The Christmas Season is generally seen as a time for giving. From all over, American people will open their hearts and wallets to give generously to those in need. Statistics show that not only does America give more money to the needy in total, Americans give more money proportionately than the rest of the world too. Something in our cultural DNA (I would argue our Judeo-Christian heritage) prompts us to give to those in need out of our own abundance."

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If A Leftists Shoots Up A School In The Woods, Does the Media Make Any Noise? » Eagle Rising

If A Leftists Shoots Up A School In The Woods, Does the Media Make Any Noise? » Eagle Rising: "As information about Colorado’s Arapahoe High School shooter started to trickle out in the hours following the shooting, one small piece of information had some major news outlets intentionally trying to scrub away certain facts about this disturbed young man."

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Govt aims to halve unemployment by 2020 - RTÉ News

Govt aims to halve unemployment by 2020 - RTÉ News: "The Government's new economic plan says that it will be 2018 before unemployment falls below 10%.
The document, A Strategy for Growth, says unemployment will be 8.1% in the year 2020.
During the boom, the number of people out of work was below 5%."

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16 Signs That Global Warming Was A Lie And That We Have Now Entered A Period Of Global Cooling - Freedom Outpost | Freedom Outpost

16 Signs That Global Warming Was A Lie And That We Have Now Entered A Period Of Global Cooling - Freedom Outpost | Freedom Outpost: "Back in 2009, Al Gore boldly declared that “the entire north polar ice cap during some of the summer months could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years.” Well, it turns out that was a lie along with almost everything else that Al Gore has been peddling. The truth is that the polar ice cap is actually growing. It is about 50 percent larger than it was at this time last year. And as you will read about below, a shocking UN report that was recently leaked shows that the planet has actually not been warming for the past 15 years. So if you are breathlessly anticipating that “global warming” will soon bring on the apocalypse, you can stop waiting. "

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