Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Your Tax Dollars at Work… LA Mayor Gives Occupy LA 10,000 Square Feet of Office Space & Farmland for $1-a-Year | The Gateway Pundit

Your Tax Dollars at Work… LA Mayor Gives Occupy LA 10,000 Square Feet of Office Space & Farmland for $1-a-Year | The Gateway Pundit: "It was just last week that an #Occupy LA protester was arrested for masturbating on the steps of City Hall. Now the squatters are getting their own private office building.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has decided to award the lawlessness, lewd acts, shoplifting and drug use of the Occupy LA squatters. He just offered the hooligans 10,000 square feet of downtown office space and farmland for $1-a-year.
The LA Times reported:"

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Rule of Law » White Air Force Vet Prohibited from Registering to Vote Because of Race

Rule of Law » White Air Force Vet Prohibited from Registering to Vote Because of Race: "Believe it or not, there is a place where the American flag flies that citizens of particular races are excluded from voting. Citizens not of the chosen race are not allowed to vote in an important election. White and Asian citizens of the United States there are even prohibited from registering to vote for the election. As implausible as it sounds, such is the law on the island of Guam, a territory where the American flag flies and the Voting Rights Act applies, along with the 15th Amendment to the Constitution."

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Democratic Party Boxes | Artur Davis | Voter Fraud | The Daily Caller

Democratic Party Boxes | Artur Davis | Voter Fraud | The Daily Caller: "Top Democrats are aggressively pushing the claim that Republicans’ worries about voter fraud are an insincere excuse to suppress voting by African-Americans and Hispanics."

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It Figures… UC Davis Students AGREED to Be Pepper Sprayed Before Incident (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

It Figures… UC Davis Students AGREED to Be Pepper Sprayed Before Incident (Video) | The Gateway Pundit: "For the record…
The UC Davis students who were holding the illegal protest on campus last weekend were warned that they would be pepper sprayed by the campus police. Not only that… But you can see in the video below that the students AGREED in the video to be pepper sprayed.

For some reason this didn’t make it into any of the liberal media reports on the incident; just like the fact that the protesters were chanting “f*ck the police” never made it into any reports."

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