Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The American Spectator : Good Morning, Suckers

The American Spectator : Good Morning, Suckers: "President Obama's budget released on Monday proposes to spend $3.73 trillion for 2012. He can't say Bush made him do that. That proposed spending is an undeniable fact that reveals who he is, which he successfully hid from 53% of voters in 2008."

American Thinker Blog: Liberal operatives have launched an anti-Issa crusade

American Thinker Blog: Liberal operatives have launched an anti-Issa crusade: "Here we go again -- the politics of personal destruction. Liberal operatives have launched an assault on Congressman Darrell Issa (Republican Congressman) to try to silence him and put an end to the investigations he has started to reveal what the Obama administration has been up to the last two years."