Saturday, February 23, 2013

Bob Woodward: Obama’s sequester deal-changer - The Washington Post

Bob Woodward: Obama’s sequester deal-changer - The Washington Post: Bob Woodward ( is an associate editor of The Post. His latest book is “The Price of Politics.” Evelyn M. Duffy contributed to this column.

Misunderstanding, misstatements and all the classic contortions of partisan message management surround the sequester, the term for the $85 billion in ugly and largely irrational federal spending cuts set by law to begin Friday.

Packing Heat with Hot Coffee: ‘Gun Owners Support Starbucks Day’ « CBS DC

Packing Heat with Hot Coffee: ‘Gun Owners Support Starbucks Day’ « CBS DC: If you enjoy packing heat while sipping a hot cup of coffee, Friday is your day.

The State Can’t Be Benevolent Because it Doesn't Have any Money : Political Outcast

The State Can’t Be Benevolent Because it Doesn't Have any Money : Political Outcast: The Obama administration believes the State — erroneously called “government” — is in the salvation business. The belief is so pervasive that it colors every program proposed by Washington. Sadly, millions of Americans willingly accept the canard that State-initiated directives are the engine of change for all that’s good in society.