Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Growing wealth gap between members of Congress and those they rule, survey reveals | Mail Online

Growing wealth gap between members of Congress and those they rule, survey reveals | Mail Online: "Median net worth of member of Congress rose from $280,000 to $725,000 between 1984 and 2009
Over same 25 years the wealth of the average U.S. family slipped from $20,500 from $20,600"

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The US has "more oil than all the Middle East put together" - Atlas Shrugs

The US has "more oil than all the Middle East put together" - Atlas Shrugs: "The government is, increasingly, the enemy. Imagine the jobs, the wealth, the independence, and cutting the jihad snake off at the head. There is no downside. We could easily extract that oil with minimum impact to the trees."

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