Friday, January 11, 2013

NRA Membership Soars

NRA Membership Soars: "The National Rifle Association has gained more than 100,000 new members in the past 18 days, the organization told POLITICO’s Playbook on Thursday."

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U.S. and China: Chinese Investment in 2012 Shatters Records

U.S. and China: Chinese Investment in 2012 Shatters Records: "China set a record with its investments around the world in 2012. And in the United States, China shattered its previous investment record.
Before people start panicking, it’s important to know: This is not a bad thing."

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Piers Morgan’s Gun Arguments Utterly Destroyed

Piers Morgan’s Gun Arguments Utterly Destroyed: "Fox News’ 19 investigative reporter Ben Swann takes on the aftermath of the Alex Jones / Piers Morgan clash and demolishes the CNN host’s gun homicide statistics."

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