Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Congressman Outraged That 3 Convicts in Terror-Related Cases Were Granted U.S. Citizenship | CNSnews.com

Congressman Outraged That 3 Convicts in Terror-Related Cases Were Granted U.S. Citizenship | CNSnews.com: "The granting of U.S. citizenship to three individuals who were convicted as a result of a terrorism-related investigation was “outrageous,”"

WikiLeaks: Osama bin Laden killed after tip-offs from Guantanamo - Telegraph

WikiLeaks: Osama bin Laden killed after tip-offs from Guantanamo - Telegraph: "The mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, who was interrogated using “torture” techniques, gave the United States the breakthrough that resulted in the killing of Osama bin Laden."

Levin to Obama: You owe Dick Cheney an apology! | The Right Scoop

Levin to Obama: You owe Dick Cheney an apology! | The Right Scoop: "Given the fact that the lead that handed Bin Laden to Obama came from Gitmo, Levin says that Obama needs to apologize to Dick Cheney for trashing Gitmo as nothing more than a torture chamber that sacrificed our values:"

Congratulations, Mr. President, for Continuing Bush Anti-Terror Policy

Congratulations, Mr. President, for Continuing Bush Anti-Terror Policy: "RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, we need to open the program today by congratulating President Obama. President Obama has done something extremely effective, and when he does, this needs to be pointed out. President Obama has continued the Bush policies of keeping a military presence in the Middle East. He did not scrub the mission to get Bin Laden."

American Thinker: OBL's Death a Victory for the Adults

American Thinker: OBL's Death a Victory for the Adults